Graphology, or the science of handwriting analysis, is basically divided into two distinctive types:
1. psychological phase of writing – a field in psychology dealing with relations between graphism and personality dominants;
2. forensic analysis of handwriting – a forensic examination to detect the authenticity or forgery of documents under examination.
Both methods are proven to be very successful.
Forensic analysis of handwriting and handwriting expert consultation often change the course and the outcome of investigations conducted by the prosecutor or police. It also has an impact on a court judgment.
Taking a psychological handwriting test can be an interesting experience in your life. This method can be particularly useful to people who require psychological support. Getting to know your personality’s strengths and weaknesses can be the first step that can lead to important changes in your life! I will do my best to help you take that first step!
How you can order my expertise?
If you are a private client and you wish to receive a free, no obligation quote:
1. Please scan the materials for examination and send them to my e-mail address. In our response we will confirm the receipt of materials and provide all details of the order (including the cost of an expertise).
2. All materials with the contact telephone number can be sent by post to the address of our Center. I will give you my address in private message. After the receipt of the documents, we will contact you to discuss the details of your order.
3. Just write to me: or call: +48 607793217 (consultation in Polish), +48 739033777 (consultation in English). We will arrange the details, your satisfaction guaranteed!
How much it costs?
My expertise is priced individually – the price depends on the type of examination and a lead time. IMPORTANT! My prices are always undercut. If you don’t believe, please check me out!
1. Forensic analysis of handwriting – the price depends on the amount of the material under examination (a legible or partially illegible signature, an initial signature or full-text document, for ex. a letter. Average price for a typical, simple expertise is between 300-1000 PLN (70-250 euros).
2. A psychological handwriting test – the price is fixed: 200 PLN (45 euros). I give a discount for expertise for several people!